Thursday, 2 July 2009

Darts in Romania

Darts is played in Romania, but don't think for a second that it is 'just a game' for the people who play it!IMG_1357

A few years ago, you could hardly find an electronic dartboard in the corner of some dingy pub in a basement somewhere, nor could you obtain an answer if you asked any of the regulars there what 'darts' was. However, over the last 3-4 years, this has changed dramatically.

The BTDL (Bucharest Thursday Darts League - Steel Darts only), has grown from a handful of people looking for an excuse to socialise and have a pint, into a competitive League where a number of 20 teams (over 150 players in total) meet every Thursday (BTDL season: September to May) to win points or defend titles.

A growing number of pub owners have realised the benefits of accommodating darts teams and becoming League venues. Some of the most famous (or infamous!) are: Dreamers (27 Plevnei St), O'Hara Irish Pub (13 Franceza St.), The Dubliner Irish Pub (18 Titulescu Blvd.), Terasa Florilor - Tati Bar (42 Ion Maiorescu St.), The White Horse (4A George Calinescu St.), Whispers (4 Brezoianu St.). It is highly unlikely that you'll walk into any of the above and not find a darts partner (if the boards are free, that is!). You will find that most darts players in Bucharest will be eager to challenge or be challenged by a new player, as they've been playing against each-other for so long that they're starting to get bored already! Although few pubs will have a spare set of darts behind the bar for the occasional chance challenger, people will be more than happy to lend you their own if you show an interest.

The Romanian Darts Federation ( has just disputed its National Title in its second year of existence. Rumour has it that it will affiliate itself to the World Darts Federation, and several Romanian players have already participated in international Darts Competitions with remarkable results. The Federation has turned darts into a nation-wide endeavour, with regional clubs and competitions sprouting and flourishing in Timisoara, Oradea, Odorhei, Tg. Mures, Brasov, Pitesti and other cities and towns. Players will travel as much as 800 km to attend a competition and win the sought-after Federation points throughout the season, which would enable a player to participate in the end of season Masters Tournament and hence have a chance at the National Title, as well as the motivating prizes (mostly money and booze offered by the sponsors).

A Bucharest Tuesday Darts League is now being brewed by several of the players who no longer fit into the already crowded Thursday League, as well as by those who would like to spend two rather than just one day a week battling on the dartboard.

Many pubs are now organising their own small-scale darts competitions (Terasa Florilor-Tati Bar is the most perseverant), specialised darts clubs are being opened (La Sageti, on 30A Liviu Rebreanu Bvd. is the latest one), darts and accessories are being imported and sold by more and IMG_2142more companies and enthusiasts (,,, TV stations have become interested in broadcasting international competitions, as well as news of local darts events, and more and more people are buying and installing dartboards in their own home.

If you are as passionate about darts as we are, come and give us a challenge and we promise you a good time, whoever wins (normally the player who doesn't collapse first after as many pints of beer as winning doubles missed).

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